(0x8E5E0247 or 0x8000fff) Windows Live Mail could not be started. Closing Windows Live Mail. Your Calendar contains corrupt Data that is forcing Windows Live Mail to close.
Windows Update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.
When did it start to happen?
New Western Digital 750 GB needs to be installed as the existing laptop (Toshiba) hard drive dies. A disk copy had been done to preserve data and Windows installation.
What solutions I tried?
- Reinstall Windows Mail
- Install Windows 7 SP1 as it was not installed
- Scan for viruses
What is causing the issue?
Intel Rapid Storage Technology needs to be re-installed or updated.
After installing the Intel Rapid Storage Technology, restart your computer. Windows Mail and Windows Update should now work.
You can uninstall Intel Rapid Storage after your Windows Mail works which I did.
This solution had been tried to HP laptop too and it worked.