After uploading an HTML page with embedded movie in an f4v format, the player just keeps loading and would not play the video.

It is because your source video (f4v in this case) is in unknown location. If the swf file is in the same root folder as your f4v file, then make your source as just the f4v filename instead of C:\Location\wedding.f4v as per image below.



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(0x8E5E0247 or 0x8000fff) Windows Live Mail could not be started. Closing Windows Live Mail. Your Calendar contains corrupt Data that is forcing Windows Live Mail to close.

Windows Update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.

When did it start to happen?

New Western Digital 750 GB needs to be installed as the existing laptop (Toshiba) hard drive dies. A disk copy had been done to preserve data and Windows installation.

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We have HP Lasejet 4050n in our network, I re-installed the printer driver using its original which I guess a 10 year old driver, so no need for each workstation to connect to a Printer Server before printing. The goal is to print directly to HP Lasejet 4050 from the network.

After installing the driver to each computer, I found out that one of the PC couldn't print multiple page using Adobe Reader v9 (latest version at that time), but it can print using Adobe Acrobat 7, MS-Word & MS-Excel. I thought it is only because of the old driver. But I found out that changing the driver from PCL to PS solve the issue.


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You were login as a limited user and everytime you click Run LiveUpdate in Norton Internet Security 2009, it keeps saying that you need admin rights to run the update. But you don't want to give the user an admin rights.

The workaround is to

  • open Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\
  • you will see InstalledApps & IntelligentUpdater from the left hand side
  • right-click in each folder and select Permissions... then add the username of the one with limited account
  • close Registry Editor
  • login as the user with limited account, then try to click Run LiveUpdate and you should be able to update your Norton Internet Security.

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I have Dell Inspiron and keeps receiving the Configuration Wizard everytime I open any office files and application (.doc, .xls., Outlook, etc.), then displays this error in Event Viewer.

Event ID: 1001 - Detection of product '{91120000-0014-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}', feature 'WORDFiles' failed during request for component '{0638C49D-BB8B-4CD1-B191-051E8F325736}'

Event ID: 1004 - Detection of product '{91120000-0014-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}', feature 'ProductFiles', component '{97F81AF1-0E47-DC99-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}' failed.  The resource '' does not exist.

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After successful AVG installation on Dell laptops with Vista Home Premium:

avgfrw.exe - Application Error - The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150004). Click OK to
terminate the application.

avgtray.exe - Application Error - The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150004). Click OK to
terminate the application.

avgui.exe - Application Error - The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150004). Click OK to
terminate the application.

The problem appears to be caused by a file being referenced in the registry that is not actually installed on the system.

1. Uninstall AVG if it is still installed, then restart the computer.
2. Use the registry editor (menu Start -> Run -> enter "regedit" and confirm OK) to locate and expand the following registry key:

4. From the long list on the left, delete the following key:

5. Restart the computer and reinstall AVG. Always use the latest AVG installer.

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I have Miscrosoft Office Standard 2007 where I installed to 3 Vista machines. The 2 machines were OK but the other machine keeps receiving a Configuration Wizard everytime he opens a doc & excel file. And I looked at the Event Viewer, I saw the warning "A provider, OffProv12, has been registered in the Windows Management Instrumentation namespace Root\MSAPPS12 to use the LocalSystem account. This account is privileged and the provider may cause a security violation if it does not correctly impersonate user requests."

I am not sure exactly what fixed the issue, I did not re-install Office 2007, what I did were the following:

  1. Change the WMI -> Msapps12 & CIMV2 security by adding the local user account to have full access.
    To access your WMI, type wmimgmt.msc from Start Search. Once open right-click to WMI Control (Local) then select Properties.
    Right-click to CIMV2 & MSAPPS12 then click Security tab. Add the local user account (not the administrator) and designate it with full control.

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You might recieve this error "Not enough server storage is available to process the command" while trying to access a shared folder from Vista (server) using your XP (client) computer especially after installing an anti-virus software (Norton Internet Security).

To fix it, you have to increase the IRPStackSize in the registry of the computer you've been trying to access, which in this case is the Vista PC.

In your Vista PC, open regedit from the command prompt, then dp the following:

  1. Navigate to the following key:
  2. In the right pane, double-click the IRPStackSize value.

    NOTE: If the IRPStackSize value does not already exist, use the following procedure to create it:
    1. In the Parameters folder of the registry, right-click the right pane.
    2. Point to New, and then click DWord Value.
    3. Type IRPStackSize.

      : Type "IRPStackSize" exactly as it is displayed because the value name is case-sensitive.
  3. Change the Base to decimal.
  4. In the Value Data box, type a value that is larger than the value that is listed.

    If you created the IRPStackSize value using the procedure described in step 2, the default value is 15. The computer automatically uses the default value of 0x0000000f (15), which we often find to be insufficient. It is recommended that you increase the value by 3, so try a decimal value of 18. The range is from 11 (0xb hexadecimal) through 50 (0x32 hexadecimal).
  5. Close the Registry Editor.
  6. Restart the computer.

You may try just to restart the Server service from "services.msc" rather not restarting the server, it may or may not work. It is recommended to restart the server after doing the above procedure.

You can find the Miscrosoft link here

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The password which you have set in StoreGrid Web Console will be maintained in the StoreGrid internal database in an encrypted format. So it is not possible to decrypt the password by unforseen visitor.

If you feel the password which you are using currently is not that much secure, then we recommend changing it to an alternate (harder) password for your StoreGrid logon account. You can change the existing logon password for the StoreGrid webconsole by going through the menu "Administration -> Advanced Options -> User Management (tab)"  page in the StoreGrid webconsole. There you can configure the new password for your logon account under the tab 'Change Password'.

Please refer to the following URL to know more about 'Users Management';

Open ports in your Amazon EC2 instance, port scans of Amazon EC2 instances are generally ineffective because, by default, all inbound ports on Amazon EC2 instances are closed, and are only opened by the customer.  The customer's strict management of security groups can further mitigate the threat of port scans. If the customer configures the security group to allow traffic from any source to a specific port, then that specific port will be vulnerable to a port scan.  AWS further encourages customers to apply additional per-instance filters with host-based firewalls such as IPtables or the Windows Firewall and IPsec. This can restrict both inbound and outbound traffic on each instance.

For further information on AWS Security, please refer

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In StoreGrid Cloud AMIs, the Backup Server will receive the backup data from the clients and store the data in EBS volumes (as a temporary cache location) and upload the data to Amazon S3. Please note that, the EBS volume which we use as a temporary storage is also a persistent to store your backed up data.

Even, if the EC2 instance is stopped, the EBS volume will not be affected and the data will be intact with the EBS volume.

If your EC2 instance is stopped, you can create a new EC2 instance and attach the existing EBS volume to your EC2 instance . All your StoreGrid configurations and temporary cache data will be intact with the new EC2 instance. For redundant backups of the EBS you can also configure periodic snapshots for the EBS volumes by using StoreGrid. For that, you need to enable Snapshots in the SGConf.xml file present in the '<Mounted_Location>/SGCloudConf' location and specify the snapshot configuration in SGConf.xml file.

Please refer the following URL to get more details about configuring StoreGrid EC2 instance:

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Does configuring Amazon S3 a pain for you? There is an easy way to backup in cloud using Jungle Disk for only US$2 per month. If you have Rackspace (also known as Mosso) account, don't worry as JungleDisk supports it as well.

Let's first have a look at the Cloud Storage Fees between the 2 main Cloud services:

  • Rackspace (formerly called Mosso)
    Storage: $0.15 per GB-Month of storage use
    Data Transfer: No Charge
    Requests: No Charge
  • Amazon S3 - US
    Storage: $0.15 per GB-Month of storage used
    Data Transfer: $0.10 per GB of data uploaded; $0.17 per GB of data downloaded
    Requests: $0.01 per 1,000 upload requests; $0.01 per 10,000 download requests
  • Amazon S3 - Europe
    Storage: $0.18 per GB-Month of storage used
    Data Transfer: $0.10 per GB of data uploaded; $0.17 per GB of data downloaded
    Requests: $0.012 per 1,000 upload requests; $0.012 per 10,000 download requests


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Are you bored of HP Photosmart CD label template? You can use the Nero Cover Designer to create your own CD label design and print it after using your HP Photosmart C5300 series.

Thanks to 1337holiday who came up with this instructions. I just had to edit some wordings and added pictures.

* Before we begin you must have installed the printer drivers from the cd (printer softwares, hp photosmart essentials, and other extra software if you like that comes with the cd). If you lost your cd, click this link and type your product model number eg. C5380. Select your Operating System from XP, Vista, or whatever you use. Download the full package and install.

Once you have done that and the printer connected via usb and turned on continue below... Add a comment

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